
New Chairman For GFIA


The outgoing Chairman of the Gibraltar Funds and Investments Association underscored the need to continue marketing and pushing Gibraltar as a jurisdiction for the domiciliation of funds.

During a recent AGM, Jay Gomez welcomed all the attendees and highlighted the areas in which the GFIA focused its attention and its achievements over the past year.

James Lasry was named as the new Chairman for the GFIA executive for the coming year, with Mr Gomez taking up the role as Deputy Chairman.

Mr Gomez thanked the critical support of Minister of Finance, Albert Isola, and James Tipping and the broader team at Gibraltar Finance.

He also thanked the GFSC, and specifically thanked Kerry Blight and Julian Sacarello for their time and dedication to work with the GFIA.

Following this report, Benjy Cuby provided a report on behalf of the Administrator’s Committee, and Allan Sené provided a report on behalf of the Training Committee.

A summary of the Treasurer’s report and a presentation of audited financial statements was then presented by GFIA Treasurer, Faith Howe.

“The Executive Committee is committed to representing the interests of stakeholders in the Gibraltar funds and investment industry,” a spokesman for the GFIA said.

“GFIA will continue its close coordination with the Government and the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission, as well as provide its members with a full program of marketing, technical and training related events in what promises to be a busy year for the industry.”

The AGM was held at Hassans in person and via Zoom for those logging in remotely.

Via Gibraltar Chronicle